All I see is the pitch black sky
clouding my vision
like volcanic ash
that spurs in the air
I see the bottom of the ocean
I see darkness engulfing me
drowning me
luring me from my ship
like the sirens and mermaids of lore
that lure the sailors with their sweet
songs unto their death.
I hear the crashing waves
and feel the crushing weight of them
and sink deeper
into the pit of blackness
of the deep
I smell the sweet sound of death
the rotting flesh
the strange taste of blood
I have the waters covering me
in murkiness of the sea.
I dream of land
a gloom land
were coyotes, wolves
wild dogs and pit pulls
are surrounding me.
I run until I fall into the shadows
running into woods
falling into the dirt
climbing the trees
until the shadows of death find me
and then they eclipse me into obscurity