Sunday, December 22, 2013

I shall Rise

I rise like the sun from the ocean
Rising to the clouds
Touching the skies
I rise like the eagle soaring the heavenly skies
Flying, touching the beautiful sun
I rise like the owl
Coming out
To share the wisdom
That was gained
I rise like the moon and stars
... Bringing light to night's dark skies
I rise like the phoenix
That through itself
On the burning pyre
I rise like the rooster
Waking up everyone
At sweet dawn
I rise like the ocean waves
Ready to hit the sandy beach
And I rise every morning
Looking up to the heavens
I remembered that I rose from the ashes
Stronger and better
And I rose
Only because the Lord was with me
And if since He was risen
I can continue to rise
And I am still rising
And I shall rise